General Information

A residence hall is more than a place to live; it is a place to learn awareness, consideration, acceptance, and compromise. Residence halls also provide recreational, educational, and cultural programs to enhance students’ learning experience and to contribute to their overall growth and personal development.

Students living in the residence halls are expected to maintain a standard of conduct consistent with the educational objectives and priorities of Rockford University. Respect and consideration for the rights of others, including need for study time and rest, must receive priority. The residence hall staff helps create an atmosphere conducive to studying, socializing and learning to live with other individuals. Each resident is expected to respond appropriately to requests from staff and fellow residents concerning behavior that does not honor this priority. Residents are also responsible for the conduct of their guests. Rooms will be inspected or assessed at any time a University official suspects illegal, dangerous or threatening behavior is occurring in a student’s room.

Residence Life Staff

Resident Assistants (RAs) are peer advisers trained to assist students with academic, personal or behavioral concerns. RAs are students selected because of experience, leadership ability and interest in helping others. They help residents grow socially and academically by developing relationships with students and by fostering an effective living-learning environment. All students are encouraged to get to know their RA and to ask for assistance whenever needed. The RAs are supervised by Graduate Hall Directors (GAHDs) who, in turn, are supervised by the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life.

Roommate Bill of Rights

Roommates have a great responsibility to respect and be respected. We encourage you to discuss the following with your roommate(s):

  1. The right to read and study in your room free from undue interference.
  2. The right to sleep without undue disturbance from noise, guests of roommates, etc.
  3. The right to a clean living environment.
  4. The right to access the room and facilities without pressure from a roommate(s).
  5. The right to personal privacy.
  6. The right to house a guest. We expect that guests respect the rights of the host’s roommate and other hall residents, and are registered through our Safety & Security Office or with their RA if they plan to stay overnight.
  7. The right to be free from fear and intimidation, physical and/or emotional harm.
  8. The right to confront and resolve situations. Staff members are available to help mediate the resolution of conflicts.

Residence Life Policies

Residence Life Policies may be found in the 2023-2024 Rockford University Student Handbook.


Residence Life
Student Life Suite - Burpee Student Center
5050 E. State Street
Rockford, IL 61108

Scott Mitchell, Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life

Mon-Fri - 8:30 am to 5:00 pm