Nursing Degree Progression & Retention Requirements
To maintain good standing in the program, students must meet the requirements listed. Also see the Nursing Program Handbook for full descriptions.
- Minimum CGPA: Maintain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.7. CGPA is calculated at the end of spring for progression into the fall semester and at the end of the fall semester for progression into the spring.
- Nursing GPA Requirements:
- Completion of the first semester: Achieve a nursing GPA of 2.3, calculated for all NURS courses, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 for all Rockford University courses.
- Completion of the second, third, and fourth semesters: Maintain a nursing GPA of 2.5 for all NURS courses and a cumulative GPA of 2.7 for all Rockford University courses.
- Academic Probation: Failure to meet required nursing GPA or cumulative GPA at the end of a semester results in academic probation. A student may only be placed on academic probation once during their time in the nursing program. If requirements are not met by the end of the following semester, dismissal from the nursing program occurs.
- Course Completion: All registered courses must be completed with a posted grade. Progression in the nursing curriculum plan is not allowed until incompletes (including medical incompletes) are removed from the transcript.
- Minimum Grade Requirement: Earn at least a “C” in each nursing course. Failure to achieve a “C” in a required nursing course requires successful repetition of that course before progressing in the program.
- Course Repeats: No more than one required nursing course may be repeated throughout the nursing curriculum, with exceptions as noted in the Nursing Student Handbook.
- Re-Enrollment Limit: A student may only re-enroll in one nursing course, except when granted a medical withdrawal for all nursing courses in a single semester. Re-enrollment is subject to space availability.
- Program Completion Time: Students have four (4) years to complete the nursing program from the start of the first nursing course.
- Grade Appeals: If questioning a final grade, students must first seek an explanation from the course instructor. If dissatisfied, they may appeal the grade following Rockford University’s Academic Catalog guidelines.
- Re-Entry After Dismissal: To re-enter after dismissal, students must follow the nursing program appeal process outlined in the Nursing Student Handbook.
- Students granted a medical incomplete or withdrawal must notify the Nursing Department Chair by March 1st for fall semester entry or October 1st for spring semester entry to retake a nursing course.
- A student may re-enroll in one nursing course, except when granted a medical withdrawal for all nursing courses in a single semester.
- Retaking courses occurs on a space-available basis.
- A student has four (4) years to complete the nursing program from the start of the first nursing course.
- Students who have a documented medical condition, such as a communicable disease, that prevents them from attending clinical should communicate with their instructors and Lang Health Center per the guidelines in the nursing student handbook.
Immunization and Health Compliance:
- Students must keep health requirements, CPR certification, and health insurance up to date for the duration of the program.
- Failure to comply may result in removal from clinical or course withdrawal.
- All nursing students are required to have current immunizations and provide necessary documentation.
Nursing Department
Starr Science Building
5050 E. State St.
Rockford, IL 61108
Fax: 815-394-5166Kimberly D. McCullough, D.N.P., M.S.N., RN
Chair, Nursing Department