03/30/2020 2:56 pm
Question: Do I turn in my mail key?
Answer: If you are not going to be returning to RU in the fall, you must return your mail key. If you will be returning please DO NOT return your key.
Question: I am graduating OR not returning in the fall, how do I turn in my mail key?
Answer: Residential students: if you are still on campus please stop by Mail Services during operational hours (9am-2pm), drop it in the “campus mail” slot at the Mail Desk, give it to someone in Student Life, or mail in a padded envelope it to:
Rockford University Mailroom
5050 E State Street
Rockford, IL 61108
Please hand cancel
Commuter students: stop by Mail Services during operational hours (9am-2pm), drop it in the “campus mail” slot at the Mail Desk, or mail it to:
Rockford University Mailroom
5050 E State Street
Rockford, IL 61108
Please hand cancel
Question: What happens if I am not returning in the fall and don’t return my key?
Answer: Mail Services will bill you for $10 to replace the key.
Question: What happens if I have mail or packages that I have not picked up?
Answer: Certain items can be forwarded through the USPS. These items include: 1st class mail.
Items that CANNOT be forwarded include: non-profit mail, presorted mail, and any packages; does not matter which carrier.
Answer: Mail and packages that cannot be forwarded will be held through May. If you would like your mail or package mailed to you, please coordinate with Mail Services (best reached at AMcPeek@rockford.edu) to figure out shipping costs. You must send a check with the cost of the postage before we will ship your package:
Rockford University Mailroom
5050 E State Street
Rockford, IL 61108
To forward or ship mail, we will require your current address.
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