08/29/2019 3:15 pm
Rockford University welcomes Graham Hackett on Wednesday, September 4, at 7 p.m., in Scarborough Hall’s Severson Auditorium, as part of the University’s fall Forum Series. Graham Hackett serves as the Prevention and Education Coordinator for Our VOICE, a sexual assault prevention and rape crisis center in Ashville, NC. As a veteran educator, professional speaker, and social justice advocate, Graham has a unique cross-section of experience, enhanced by collaborating with culturally diverse populations.
As awareness about sexual assault grows and condemnation of toxic behavior reaches a fever pitch, many are asking, “WHAT NOW?” This program looks at how we can move our communities towards gender equality and improved safety for all, delivered with an eclectic blend of keynote and spoken word delivery.
This event is free and the public is welcome to attend. Tickets are required and seating is limited. To reserve tickets, contact the Box Office at boxoffice@rockford.edu. Severson Auditorium is located in Scarborough Hall on the University’s campus, 5050 East State Street, Rockford. For a complete list of the fall 2019 Forum Series events, visit Rockford.edu/Arts & Lectures/ Forum Series.
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