09/28/2015 11:32 am
Haley is a sophomore nursing major from Roscoe, Illinois. She was nominated by Mariah Harris, Residence Hall Director. Haley currently serves as the Resident Assistant (RA) for Emerson Hall and she excels in this leadership role. Mariah shared that residents throughout the Cummings complex speak highly of Haley. Emerson Hall residents have actually posted signs expressing their gratitude for her service to them. Mariah states that “students across campus love her because she goes out of her way to go above and beyond to help everyone.”
Haley has a very busy schedule but has managed to keep a laser focus on her coursework. There have been many personal and academic challenges that she has had to deal with, but she has allowed those life experiences to motivate her to pursue her long term goals. She is appreciative of the many opportunities that RU provides for students to be successful. After graduation Haley plans to join the United States Army as a registered nurse and then later pursue her goal of becoming a nurse practitioner. Congratulations, Haley!
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