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Campus News / News

English professor and poet Dr. Susan Porterfield works featured

11/13/2014 10:00 am

Rockford, Ill., – Poetry works of English Professor Susan Azar Porterfield, Ph.D., are highlighted in an interview by Northern Public Radio’s WNIJ 89.5 FM. The interview aired November 13 and features two of Dr. Porterfield’s most recent poems that are included in the noted poetry publication Barrow Street Journal‘s December issue.

The poems are part of a larger collection that Dr. Porterfield is currently working for publication. Dr. Porterfield has edited for several publications and her

‌ work has been featured in literary magazines and journals, including two of her own compilations, In the Garden of our Spines (2004) and Kibbe (2012), both available on

The complete interview may be accessed via the WNIJ website at: