We provide a number of resources for parents and visitors of the University.
If you have a specific question about our Title IX process please see the Title IX Policy and Procedure webpage.
Know your rights sexual violence This page informs you of the federal expectations and your student’s rights regarding RU’s obligation to respond and support.
Students Rights Pregnant and Parenting This document informs you of the federal expectations and your student’s rights regarding RU’s obligation to accommodate and the student’s role.
Vice President for Student Life Office This webpage will direct to our Vice President for Student Life
We will continue to update resources for parents and visitors
We will share various tips and highlight certain topics for parents and third parties throughout the semester.
COMING SOON: Please watch for information regarding discrimination and harassment of underrepresented populations.
Please see our prevention education page for additional information regarding current programs
Resources and Various Information:
30 Domestic Violence Statistics
Losing a loved on to domestic violence
We can help should a student or employee experience these types of concerns at Rockford University. Students may talk with our Lang Health Center for support, parents may also call the Compliance and Title IX Office with questions. If a student should experience dating or domestic violence on campus and wish to have university response, we have several resources to assist a student. Please visit our Title IX main page or our title IX policy.
Third Parties
Bystander if you witness or are aware of information regarding an act of domestic or sexual violence, we encourage to you share that information with campus officials.
If you would like to participate in campus training, please contact our Title IX Coordinator.
Return to main Title IX Office page
Compliance and Title IX
Burpee Center, Student Life Suite
5050 E. State Street
Rockford, IL 61108