supply chain management degree

The Comprehensive Guide to Rockford University’s Supply Chain Management Degree

Earn a degree in a high-demand field – Supply Chain Management. 

In today’s globalized world, supply chains have become the backbone of nearly every industry, and they are continually shaped by technological advancements, environmental considerations, and also shifting consumer preferences.

Think of supply chain management as the unsung hero, the secret sauce, the behind-the-scenes Rockstar of every industry. It’s like the magical conductor of a crazy orchestra, making sure everything flows smoothly from the birth of a product to its happy new home with a customer. It’s not just about trucks and warehouses; it’s the brain that helps companies dodge obstacles, stay flexible, and be the superhero of customer satisfaction. So, whether it’s making sure your favorite gadget gets to the shelves on time or your online order reaches you at record speed, supply chain management is always the MVP that keeps the business world groovin’ and movin’.

Why choose Rockford University for your Supply Chain Management degree?

A Rockford University bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management not only imparts a solid foundation in logistics, procurement, and operations but also fosters adaptability and critical thinking. 

Due to its advantageous location and robust infrastructure, Rockford, Illinois, has become a strategic hub in the supply chain landscape. The presence of significant shipping companies that have established operations in the area further improves the city’s connectivity. UPS, with its expansive logistics network, has recognized Rockford’s potential and has also set up facilities to streamline its delivery and distribution processes. 

Similarly, Amazon, the e-commerce behemoth, has leveraged Rockford’s strategic position to optimize its fulfillment operations, ensuring timely deliveries and efficient inventory management. The convergence of these industry giants, along with other logistics providers, has transformed Rockford into a pivotal junction in the Midwest’s supply chain network, driving economic growth and also fostering opportunities for local businesses and professionals.



Median Salary of $77,520*
Logisticians can make a median salary of $77,520*, and there is 4% annual job growth in the field and 208k jobs today, according to national data.  

Hybrid Learning Options
The core curriculum will be taken at Rockford University and some of the electives are taken online through Rize. 

The Field of the Future
Check out this short video for more about why Supply Chain Management is a “field of the future” — and what makes Rockford University’s program stand above the rest. 

Curriculum Highlights

Our program has been developed with input from 20+ employers throughout the country who need to hire employees with degrees in Supply Chain Management. The curriculum is designed to ensure learning outcomes match hiring needs and includes courses that ensure graduates have the skills employers need. 

The Supply Chain Management program at Rockford University offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the dynamic world of supply chain and logistics.

Courses include: 

  • Forecasting 
    • This course delves into the techniques and tools used to predict future market trends and demands. Students will learn how to analyze historical data, understand market dynamics, and use statistical methods to make informed predictions. This knowledge is crucial for businesses to plan their production, inventory, and sales strategies.
      • Key Takeaways: 
        • Understanding of market dynamics
        • Skills in statistical analysis and prediction
        • Ability to make informed business decisions based on forecasts
  • Logistics 
    • Logistics is the backbone of supply chain management. In this course, students will gain insights into the processes involved in the efficient movement and storage of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption. Topics covered include transportation modes, warehousing, inventory management, and distribution.
    • Key Takeaways:
      • Comprehensive understanding of the logistics life cycle
      • Knowledge of various transportation modes and their advantages
      • Skills in inventory management and distribution planning
  • Sourcing 
    • Sourcing focuses on the procurement processes of an organization. Students will learn about supplier selection, negotiation strategies, global sourcing, and the ethical considerations in procurement.
    • Key Takeaways:
      • Ability to identify and evaluate potential suppliers
      • Skills in negotiation and contract management
      • Understanding of global sourcing challenges and strategies
  • Operations 
    • Operations management is central to ensuring that business processes run smoothly. This course covers topics such as production planning, quality control, process improvement, and lean management. Students will learn how to optimize operations to achieve efficiency and meet customer demands.
    • Key Takeaways:
      • Knowledge of production planning and control techniques
      • Skills in quality assurance and process improvement
      • Understanding of lean management principles and practice

Supply Chain Management is a part of the Puri Business School, so core business requirements will firstly be taken prior to most supply chain-specific courses. 

  • Credits: 124  

The program, leading to either a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree, requires students to complete between 65-68 credit hours. In addition to specialized courses in supply chain management, students will also undertake a range of business courses to provide a holistic understanding of the business environment.


Career Opportunities in Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a vast field that encompasses a range of functions and processes involved in the production and distribution of goods and services. As businesses continue to globalize and markets become more interconnected, the importance of efficient and effective supply chain operations has grown exponentially. This growth has led to a plethora of career opportunities for individuals interested in this domain.

  • Logisticians:

    • Logisticians play a pivotal role in coordinating and analyzing an organization’s supply chain. They are responsible for the entire life cycle of a product, from acquisition and distribution to allocation and delivery.
    • Median Salary: As of recent data, logisticians can expect a median salary of approximately $75,000.*
    • Job Outlook: The field is experiencing steady growth, with a 4% annual job growth rate. Currently, there are around 190,000 jobs in this specific role, reflecting its significance in the industry.
  • Supply Chain Analysts:

    • These professionals focus on collecting and analyzing data to improve the supply chain operations of an organization. They identify inefficiencies and recommend solutions to optimize processes.
    • Potential Salary: Salaries can vary based on experience and location, but many analysts can expect competitive compensation in line with industry standards.
  • Purchasing Managers:

    • Purchasing managers oversee the procurement of products and services for an organization. They negotiate with suppliers, review product quality, and often lead a team of buyers or purchasing agents.
    • Potential Salary: Their compensation is often commensurate with their level of responsibility, with many earning salaries above the average for SCM roles.
  • Supply Chain Consultants:

    • These individuals work with organizations to streamline their supply chain processes. They provide expert advice, implement best practices, and often lead change management initiatives.
    • Potential Salary: As experts in the field, consultants can command higher salaries, especially if they specialize in a particular niche within SCM.
  • Warehouse Managers:

    • Responsible for overseeing the storage, distribution, and maintenance of inventory in a warehouse setting. They ensure that goods are stored properly, manage warehouse staff, and implement safety protocols.
    • Potential Salary: Their earnings are often reflective of the size of the warehouse and the complexity of operations they manage.
  • Transportation Managers:

    • These managers coordinate and oversee the transportation of goods. They ensure timely deliveries, manage transportation budgets, and may negotiate contracts with transportation providers.
    • Potential Salary: Salaries can vary based on the scale of operations and the geographic region.

How much more can I earn with this degree?

In their first year of employment, people working in Supply Chain Management earn an average of $10,000* more with a college degree. That grows to $30,000* more per year by your 6th year of employment. 

What will my career look like?

Supply Chain is a growing field, so you’ll have tons of options, but most students discover which piece of the supply chain puzzle they have a passion for by their 2nd or 3rd year. If you enjoy problem-solving, it may be logistics. If you like working with people, you may point towards sourcing or operations. You may work in analysis, inventory, distribution, transportation or production.  

How do I know if I’m interested in this major?

If you like working through problems or solving puzzles, if you like interacting with people, if you are looking for a degree that opens a ton of doors to different high-growth careers, if you are curious about how things work, and if you’re looking for a way to take part in the global economy you should consider this major.  

Who will be in my class?

This major is part of an exclusive partnership between Rockford University and Rize Education, which means you’ll be learning with students from your campus and from a selective consortium of schools across the country. The goal is to help you build a national network of people in your industry before graduating. 

Additional Career Information

The field of Supply Chain Management offers a diverse range of career opportunities for individuals with varying interests and skill sets. Whether one is analytically inclined, has a knack for negotiations, or excels in operational management, there’s likely a role in SCM that’s a perfect fit. Additionally, there is a continued demand for skilled SCM professionals due to the industry’s ongoing evolution as a result of technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviors.

Graduates are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of modern supply chains, optimizing processes, minimizing risks, and enhancing efficiency. 

Furthermore, they are equipped to leverage emerging technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and data analytics to drive innovation and sustainability within supply chains. 

With a supply chain management degree, Rockford University students are therefore positioned to be invaluable assets to organizations, as they possess the skills to ensure seamless operations and adapt to the ever-changing demands of the future.

**DISCLAIMER: Labor market, salary, and projected growth information are supplied by national data. These outcomes may vary be geographic area, previous work experience, and employment opportunities. Rockford University does not guarantee employment placement, salary level, or career advancement. 

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