
Catalyst is published two times per year and features news from Rockford University and beyond. Catalyst is distributed to more than 15,000 alumni, current students, and friends of the University. In conjunction with Catalyst, the “Around the Corner” e-communication is sent at least twice per month to help keep alumni and friends abreast of important news, developments, events and progress in our continued efforts to advance academic and co-curricular programs.

Catalyst is published by the Marketing and Communications and Alumni offices within the Advancement Division. Letters to the editor, feedback, feature suggestions, and class notes are welcome.

If you would like to submit a class note or if you have not provided the University with your most recent e-mail address and would like to receive our e-notices, please let us know by e-mailing

Office of Advancement & Alumni
Nelson Hall, 2nd Floor
5050 E. State Street
Rockford, IL 61108
Toll Free: 877-273-4368
Direct: 815-226-3370

Mon-Fri - 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Faculty Notes


Deepshikha Shukla, Ph.D.

Our faculty are Rock Solid. Learn more about their recent accomplishments, including published works, presentations, and awards.